Full Reviews

"I am absolutely thrilled to share my incredible experience with Allison's breathwork lessons. During my very first session with Allison, I had a significant revelation—I discovered that I had been breathing predominantly from my chest, leading to frequent moments of breathlessness and the constant need to yawn for a proper breath. It was eye-opening to realise that such a fundamental aspect of life had been overlooked.

After just a few sessions with Allison, I have incorporated daily breathing exercises into my routine, and the results have been astounding. Mentally, I feel clearer and more focused, with a newfound sense of energy that I haven't experienced in years. I am genuinely elated with the positive changes I've seen in my life.

I cannot recommend Allison and her breathwork practice highly enough. It is a transformative journey that I believe is beneficial for anyone and everyone. Who could have imagined that something as seemingly effortless and simple as breathing could have such a profound impact? Allison's expertise and guidance have been nothing short of life-changing.

If you're ready to embark on a path of self-discovery, healing, and well-being, through something that merely requires a little attention (but mostly relaxation!) I wholeheartedly encourage you to experience Allison's breathwork lessons. You won't be disappointed."


"My Daughter got so much out of her sessions with Allison. The techniques helped her through times of allergy and asthma, and eased her anxiety surrounding this. Allison is a skilled caring teacher, and my daughter was very comfortable learning from her. Using breathing as a calming method is a skill she now uses every day."


"Allison was very caring and nurturing in her delivery of the Buteyko breathing practise. I learned a great skill in slowing the breathing down which has complemented my yoga practise. I have been practising the techniques regularly, they are simple and effective. My meditation has improved with this focus. I would highly recommend her sessions."

Catherine, Move Breathe Calm - Hatha Yoga

"After my second Covid Injection I developed a condition called Dyspnea- shortness of breath. Both a Heart Specialist and a Respiratory Specialist ordered a number of tests, X-rays and an MRI. Their conclusion was that there was no medical or logical explanation for someone who was in excellent health to be suffering from Dyspnea. However, they both recognised the impact and restrictions it was putting on my life. I had difficulty doing basic housework, showering and walking, as I constantly needed to rest and regain my breath.

Eighteen months later I was introduced to Allison from Alma Breath and within weeks noticed a huge improvement in my breathing. I am back walking, vacuuming etc. using the techniques taught to me by Allison.

I am feeling very grateful to Allison for passing on her knowledge and believe everyone would benefit enormously from some sessions with her."
