Breathwork Plus Classes

Breathwork Plus Classes
Crystal Grid and Sound Bowl create by crystal grid artist Reanda

Alma Breath recently held our first Breathwork + class here at House of Trinity.

Our Breathwork + classes are designed to help you relax and have a space where you can literally take a moment just to 'breath'. The classes take the form of a guided meditation through breath awareness, relaxation and rejuvenation. Breath rejuvenation involves gentle breathing techniques, based on the Buteyko Method, that encourage healthy breathing patterns.

Our Breathwork + classes feature a crystal grid and crystal sound bowl adding to a calm and peaceful experience. The crystal elements are created for each class by local Cyrstal Grid artist Reanda.

Participants relaxing at our first Breathwork Plus class.

Our participants enjoyed the experience, with one commenting that the class was a "good reminder to just breath!" and that " I enjoyed connection with the other people in the class."

Our next Breathwork + class is coming up in a couple of weeks on Wednesday 8 November, 2023 at 10am. Classes are 45 minutes and have a maximum of 5 participants.

We look forward to continuing to offer the benefits of a gentle breathing practice in a small group environment with our Breathwork + classes. If you'd like to grab a mat at our next class then book on the button below.

If you have any questions about our classes, please contact us.